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Jul 04, 2023

Press Releases





Principal Forgiveness


Village of Lima

The Village will be connecting to a new water source. The project includes construction of an interconnect to mains owned and maintained by the ABS Water Co-Op, from which the Village will purchase finished water. The project is receiving disadvantaged community principal forgiveness as well as small system compliance assistance principal forgiveness. The loan principal will not need to be repaid.




Metropolitan Water Reclamation District

The District will repair roof slabs, floor slabs, walls, beams, and columns in the A/B and C/D service tunnels. The project includes repairs or replacement of deteriorated supports for air mains, pipe racks, and other utilities. A waterproof membrane will be applied to all accessible exterior tunnel walls and roof surfaces. The existing ventilation system will be upgraded and galvanic anodes will be installed to minimize corrosion. This project will extend the useful life of the service tunnels and ensure they operate properly.



Clinton Sanitary District

The District will make multiple improvements to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) processes. This project will allow the District to replace deteriorated equipment and upgrade treatment processes so the WWTP will meet stricter phosphorus effluent limits anticipated in the near future.




City of West Frankfort

The City will replace 1,424 water meters, install a new meter reading system, and related appurtenances. The project will allow the City to upgrade their water meters and better account for water usage.




Village of Diamond

The Village will replace 579 old lead-containing water meters. Any lead piping or lead components identified during meter replacement will also be replaced.




Elverado Water District

The District will repaint and repair its 100,000-gallon elevated water tank on Dowell Road. The exterior of the tank will be sandblasted and recoated. The District has already repaid a loan for repainting the interior of the tank and now intends to repaint the exterior.




Village of Nilwood

The Village will construct a 75,000-gallon elevated storage tank, demolish the existing elevated storage tank, and install approximately 159 water meters, meter reading system, and other related appurtenances. The project will allow the Village to continue to provide customers with an adequate supply of drinking water and better account for water usage.




City of Nokomis

The City will replace nearly 9,000 linear feet of watermain. Rehabilitation work at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) will include upgrades to the water softener system. Some watermain located within Nokomis is over 100 years old, and watermain breaks are common at these locations. Upgrades to the distribution system and treatment plant will extend the useful life and allow for a more dependable supply of potable water to residents.




City of Jonesboro

The City will rehabilitate a 261,000-gallon standpipe. This will include pressure washing, sealant, and bolt cap replacement, new appurtenances, and the installation of passive cathodic protection.




Danville Sanitary District

The District will install two blowers, a sludge pump, and a new screening conveyor. The project includes replacement of three screw pumps, two screw motors, a new grit removal system, and the conversion of eight aeration tanks into tanks with anoxic/anaerobic, anaerobic, and aerobic zones. The District will also rehabilitate the existing digester and outfall system.




City of Rockford

The City will install a new pump at Well 34 and construct a new water treatment plant. The project includes additional piping, controls, and appurtenances, which will allow the City to continue providing safe drinking water to residents.





Press Releases

SPRINGFIELD -said Director John J. KimCountyRecipientDescriptionAmountPrincipal Forgiveness TOTAL$85,956,802.57$13,326,437.54